

Panta Rei is a Greek locution literally translatable as everything flows, in Greek πάντα ῥεῖ, used as an extreme summary of the thought of Heraclitus, among the major Greek pre- Socratic philosophers, who lived in Ephesus between 535 B.C. and 475 B.C. One cannot descend twice into the same river and one cannot twice touch a mortal substance in the same state, but because of the impetuosity and speed of change it disperses and gathers, comes and goes, Heraclitus wrote about the eternal becoming of reality.

Everything changes, everything is transformed, nothing remains unchanged. Like the river that continually renews and transforms itself, so that it is impossible to dive into it more than once because the second time, having completely renewed its waters, it will not be the same river as the first.

Thus it is impossible for man to have the same experience twice, since everything in its apparent reality is subject to the inexorable law of change. Each of our instants is never the same as the next, and we are never the same from one period of time to the next. Everything changes within and without us, although we cannot always perceive this continuous change. The most conspicuous thing about us, our body, is always different from one moment to the next, and we live in this continuous diversity. Something is born and dies in us at every moment of our existence and at every moment we are no longer what we were a moment before.

All events are constantly changing like the landscape that rushes past us from a train window and of which we can retain very little.

It is impossible not to lead our minds back to the thought of the philosopher Heraclitus while looking at Yukio Takamori's works.


"Isometric" is change in its pure state, it is element that then becomes another, it is chromatic alchemy that changes incessantly under the influence of different stimuli.

Through the changes of our gaze, depending on whether we observe the work from one side or the other, from near or far; the latter changes. Yet, the work also changes its connotations through other external stimuli such as light, its temperature or its intensity.

"Isometric" is continuous becoming in its stillness. For a moment it seems to us that the stain of dense chromatic matter is inflamed by a passionate purple color only to change our thoughts a second later and realize that, out of the carmine sea peep green reflections.

The iridescent element is the driving force of the work, and the work itself changes and reveals its true being only in the presence of the person who, at that moment is observing it. Without a moving viewer, without a passing time that makes the light change, the work would remain motionless in its glassy beauty. Yet, this work as well as we are, is part of the world and also undergoes the law of constant change. Everything flows, "Isometric" changes, and so do our bodies. Everything flows, "Isometric" changes its coloring, and so does the sky outside the window. Like Heraclitus' river, dense color laps against the black backdrop, bewitching us with the truth of existence that shines through the sinuous color curves.  


Lisa Galletti


パンタ・レイとは、ギリシャ語で「すべては流れる(万物は流転する)」を意味する言葉で、紀元前535年から紀元前475年にかけてエフェソスに住んでいたギリシャのソクラテス以前の主要な哲学者であるヘラクレイトスの思想を端的に表したものである。 人は同じ川に二度入ることはできず、同じ状態の死せる物質に二度触れることはできないが、変化の勢いと速度ゆえに、それは分散し集まり、やがて去っていく、とヘラクレイトスは現実の不変の成り立ちについて書いている。

すべてが変化し、すべてが変容し、変わらないものはない。川が絶えずその姿を変え続けるように、同じ流れに何度も飛び込むことは不可能である。 なぜなら、二度目に飛び込んだ時には、その水は完全に変化していて、最初の川と同じではなくなってしまうからだ。



高森 幸雄の作品を前にして、哲学者ヘラクレイトスの思想に思いを馳せないわけにはいきません。






